
MrBitCor Selected by Cluster Incuba

MrBitCor, a startup focused on creating collectible NFTs (non-fungible tokens) of wine for the metaverse, has been selected by Cluster Incuba for its incubation program [1]. The program provides selected startups with training, mentoring, and connection to the largest technology community in Córdoba, Argentina.

Cluster Incuba was created in 2017 to promote the creation of high-impact technological startups and to strengthen the incubation process of its teams [2]. It focuses on the incubation of technological projects, especially spin-offs from partner companies.

MrBitCor’s project focuses on creating unique NFTs of wine, which can be collected and traded in the metaverse. The startup’s aim is to create a new form of investment and enjoyment of wine, providing a novel experience to wine enthusiasts and collectors. With the support of Cluster Incuba, MrBitCor aims to further develop its technology and business model to create a lasting impact in the wine and NFT industries.


[1] https://www.cordobatechnology.com/incuba
[2] https://www.cordobatechnology.com/ctc/programas-proyectos/cluster-incuba
[3] https://www.mrbitcor.com/

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