NFT MrBitcor

Presale Genesis Collection:

The pre-sale will begin on March 22nd. You will get 50% off each NFT. Only 50 MrBitcor Genesis Collection will be released. When you generate the purchase of the token, you will have a bottle of wine in our SAFE BOX. You can request your physical wine (it will be unique with a Hash code) and NFT in your name, if you age and take care of your wine it will appreciate in value and have authenticity. Attention Collectors!! If you leave it in the safe box, they ensure that the product will have an appropriate temperature by professionals. You can also take it and keep the NFT.

How can I buy the NFT?

Register for Presale Whitelist on March 22.

How to receive the physical wine?

Contact us and we will validate the necessary data to verify your ownership and required requirements for sending the wine.

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© 2022 MrBitCor with Bending Reality Media