
Are NFT wines a good investment?

Wine is the perfect investment because the risk is substantially lower than for stock market investments. While stock prices can rise one day and fall the next, wine provides stable returns year after year and very rarely declines in value. Since 2004, Burgundy wines have returned 803% 1 and Champagne 634% 2 while, over the same period, the stock market, with a return of 325% 3 , has returned significantly less. That makes wine a better and more reliable investment than real estate and stocks.

An “NFT” is nothing more than a file that represents something unique in the digital world. This fact, that of being unique, is what gives it value and the blockchain, the technology by which it is encrypted, is the guarantee of value and security. Therefore, a cryptographic token is the digital version that represents something unique.


Why is investing in MrBitcor a different investment?

MrBitcor is a project different from other NFTs because in addition to the NFT digital art collection, it offers a physical bottle of wine that is included with the purchase of the NFT. This bottle represents an added value for the project that wants to attract the attention of its collectors, rejoicing them with a premium wine. It is worth mentioning that MrBitcor works with the best wineries in Argentina, which gives it an extra value since Argentina has the best wines in the world.

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