
MrBitcor First Argentine Wine NFT Collection l WINE NFTs to the Metaverse.

MrBitCor will connect NFT investors with wine investors, creating a huge potential in collections, increasing their value not only for the NFT collection itself but also for the aging of the wine. But how will it make this possible?

MrBitCor aims to modernize the trade of wines and other collectible beverages, produced by various Argentine wineries.

NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token, in Spanish it would be TNF or Non-Fungible Token. A “token” is nothing more than a file that represents something unique in the digital world. This fact, of being unique, is what gives it value and the “blockchain”, the technology through which it is encrypted, is the guarantee of value and security. Therefore, a cryptographic token is the digital version that represents something unique. For example, you can buy a Pablo Picasso painting, but you can’t do it in the digital world because it doesn’t exist, that painting only belongs to the physical world, except that there is a Token that represents that painting in a unique, indivisible way (and therefore with an owner).

There are Metaverses in which events, virtual bars, parties, etc. are organized. You could buy an NFT MrBitCor wine that in addition to buying it virtually also allows the option of sending it to your home. This utility goes beyond conventional NFT collections, the added value of aging the wine is what makes these collections have great potential for revaluation.

The future of NFTs in the world of wines

NFTs for high-quality, premium or ultra-premium wines, with MrBitCor will see a boost following the interest of collectors, celebrities and investors. Investing in a wine with NFT can be, in addition to very profitable, very attractive, since wine collectors could be more open to adopting the concept of NFT where they no longer hold their bottles physically but digitally, especially when collector’s bottles are rarely opened. NFTs would come to represent the same thing that a physical bottle represents, but without the problems that glass bottles pose (counterfeiting, storage costs, transportation, thefts, breakages, deteriorations).

Why buy a MrBitCor wine token?

The world of wine NFTs for wineries, aims to be an alternative financing opportunity, as well as a channel to reach a natively digital audience that is very interested in acquiring digital assets. “For the investor, NFTs provide transparency on the history of the asset, guarantee that it is not fake and peace of mind that there will be no problems in storage conditions.” 

Any investor new to this world will have to know that cryptocurrencies and NFTs are investments with other types of vehicles in the market, so they can also offer very superior profits.

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